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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: peach palm


I. N

1. artef.,food,plant peach palm


  • Etnográfica:
    Tree species with very strong wood used to make bows, staffs, sinnaks, and arrows. Also refers to the fruit, which is a nutritious staple traditionally in season around Sept.- Nov. There is a number of different varieties of this palm, some with spiny trunks, and some with smooth trunks. The clusters of fruit grow high up on the tree, and most varieties are red, orange, or yellow when ripe. Each suupa looks like a miniature coconut. The best ones are "cracky-cracky;" i.e., the outsie of the fruit is not overly smooth and shiny. You boil them in water with a little salt, peel them, and eat what corresponds to the husk of the coconut. The flesh should be dry like a potato, and not "waterish." Enjoyed as a meal accompanied by hot coffee. Is also made into bunya. (See "suupa kaas.") Highly desirable commercial item all over the coast and in Managua especially by Costenos. Will rot if not cooked and eaten within about four days from harvest. Problems with people stealing suupa from owners' trees, sometimes even cutting down the tree to get the bunches of fruit. Can also be dried and made into flour to use to make a porridge, though no one today does that. Some trees also bear in dry weather, around April. As of 2009, commentary that with the climate change, some trees are "mix-up, mix-up" regarding when they are bearing.
  • Léxica:
    Borrowing from Miskitu 'supa'.